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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Two liberal cartoonists hit Colbert and Stewart as 'scabs'

Passing along, though can't say I agree, this story at E&P. Tonight's "Word," apparently, is "guild."


Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. Jon & Stephen tried to make a deal with the writers, but the union refused to even negotiate with them because Comedy Central is part of Viacom. The fact that the writers made a separate deal with Dave forced them to return without writers (not to mention the crew would likely have been laid off if the show was suspended for too much longer). For the cartoonists to blame Jon & Stephen particularly makes no sense seeing as the union, acknowledging their attempt to reach a fair deal, went out of its way to say they weren't picketing against Jon & Stephen, just Viacom.

Anonymous said...

Jon & Stephen were forced to come back you maroon! I doubt the Cartoonists really care one way or the other.

You should check your sources and while you're at it, your brain.

NEWSGUY said...

Wait a minute. Ted Rall and that other cartoonist guy are NOT union members but they blast Stewart for doing his show without WGA members? They are doing their cartoons without being WGA members themselves. I have often thought someone should go after Air America, the "progressive" radio network which does not have a contract with AFTRA, (the American Federation of Radio & TV Artists.) But Ted Rall and his buddy don't qualify. They are non union themselves.

I am a member of AFTRA and SAG.

jnfr said...

I understood that Jon and Stephen had separate contracts for acting and would be found in breach if they hadn't returned.

Matt Bors said...


Thanks for posting the link. Just to address the point made by "newsguy," we do not have to be WGA members to comment on the situation.

"jnfr" you are correct that they were pressured to some back to fulfill their other obligations. I think they should have stood with the union.

We got a little attention from this so far, so I posted some commentary at my website.