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Friday, February 15, 2008

Hillary facing a Texas tornado?

The first poll showing Clinton trailing Obama in the Big T appeared today, from ARG (American Research Group). It shows her winning among Democrats 47% to 42% but losing badly to him among indies, who can take part in the March 4 voting. That brings, in their count, the overall Obama lead to 48% to 42%. It has her beating him among Latinos by only 2%. Other polls still show her in the lead, however. Still, the growing pressure raises images of Texas being one big Alamo for the candidate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in Texas... Obama can win here. I've spoken to friends and neighbours who say they are voting for him. Of course that represents a very tiny, tiny microcosm of Texas.

Out of the three Texas newspapers that endorsed Obama: The Houston Chronicle, Austin paper and the Dallas Morning News it was the latter that came as a surprise to me since it is one of our more conservative papers in Texas.

This man's adult life has been dedicated to bettering the human condition which demonstrates his actions match his words.

Obama has so much to offer this country and people recognize that.

He not only inspires us, he brings out our better nature and represents hope for a better future whereas neither John McCain nor Hillary Clinton can compete with him on that level. McCain represents the past and more fear and more war. Americans identify with Obama's message because we are not a fearful people.

After 7 years of darkness with the politics of fear and war foisted upon us, Americans including republicans, democrats, liberals, progressives, conservatives, independents, etc... are starved for change and hunger for the light. This goes deeper than politics.

Integrity and character matter to Texans. Barack Obama is a man of his word. His record is proof he believes justice is a strength, the rule of law matters, and that accountability and transparency are vital components for a healthy democracy.

Obama earned my respect and my trust based on his actions, not just his words.

This is why I believe Obama has a strong chance of winning the election including Texas.