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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stewart drops f-bomb on Mitt

On 'A Daily Show' tonight, Jon Stewart played parts of Romney's exit speech today, closing with Mitt's remark about ending his candidacy so he could hurt the Democrats -- for if they took the White House they would "surrender to the terrorists." Stewart dropped his pen a couple of times, then explained that when he had a team of writers they would sit around the room and knock out a funny remark. But now he is on his own, he explained, so all he could think to say was a big: "FUCK YOU." The crowd went wild.

Then Jason Jones came out and said the Romney campaign failed because its candidate was, unfortunately, "a douche bag." Bringing out some charts, he showed that Romney did not even carry the vote of his fellow "douches," which doomed him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, that's exactly what I said when Mittens made his ridiculous statement. Thank the angel Moroni that the douchebag is OUT.