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Friday, April 18, 2008

The woman who asked the flag lapel pin question

In debate last night. Will Bunch at Attytood has full story.

*She wasn’t chosen at random but found after she raised the issue in a NYT article, which means that ABC was eager to find a “typical voter” to make it look like they weren’t the ones raising the flag issue.

*Her incredibly sad story of not being able to find work or get health insurance is the whole “bitter”/wedge issue brought to life.

*The NYT story she was plucked from was about RACE – and the strange reasons that white Pa. voters are citing to not vote for Obama. Her “flag pin” issue was the lead-in to the story.

So, ABC’s contribution to the difficult conversation about race and wedge issues was to validate the use of wedge issues. Is this a great country or what?



familyman said...

"So, ABC’s contribution to the difficult conversation about race and wedge issues was to validate the use of wedge issues. Is this a great country or what?"

Good insight. But what's really ridiculous is that this flag pin thing can even be considered a "wedge issue."

The idea that Obama is unpatriotic because he doesn't want to wear the flag pin is a joke.

Does that mean that if Bin Laden started wearing a United States flag pin we'd have to call him a U.S. patriot?

дробильное оборудование said...

It's all erroneous the thing you're saying.

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