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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Massive Media 'Fail' on Fort Hood

With the publication of an interview with the real cop who gunned down the killer at Fort Hood -- following its account of an unnamed eyewitness last night -- The New York Times finally admits what some of us have noticed from nearly the start: the media fell hook, line and sinker once again for a military account of what happened during the tragedy.

First, it was the "death" of Major Hasan. Then, for days, the story of how a white female cop brought down the shooter, even as she was receiving serious wounds. Yet I noticed just hours after the attack that scattered eyewitnesses, via the Web and Twitter, were saying that the killer re-loaded after Kimberly Munley went down. How could he have done that if she had just plugged him four times, supposedly ending the rampage? Some of those witnesses said they yelled at the second cop to shoot Hasan--which he did, and then went up and kicked his gun away. Yet for almost a week the media rarely questioned the military's "official" story of Munley as savior. The New York Times was one of many who put Munley on the front page and declared that she was the person who nailed Hasan. Yes, she is a hero for facing the bullets. And, no, this isn't another Jessica Lynch case, but it does have some disturbing similarities. Just coincidence that a white woman got the credit over a black male? We'll soon find out.


Anonymous said...

I wonder why there are no comments to this reality check. And that lying Katie Couric say that sexism is more prevalent in American than racism!

Anonymous said...

Another Lyndie England moment for our military. Why can't they just tell the truth rather than try to create heroic stories that are lies? Our nation is not served by the utter bullshit.

It does not make the horrible tragedy at Ft. Hood less horrible to gin up a story about a hero taking down the perpetrator.

Anonymous said...

jeezus christ; what are you guys saying? she went in first, took all the fire, pinned down the killer, then your hero swoops in and shoots him, but he's not getting any credit because he's a black male? please. hey, maybe you can get white women to take the credit for all those crimes black males commit. oops. well, as long as we're supposed to be interested in the truth....

Anonymous said...

there was an earlier report that she had a partner. Perhaps he was her patrol partner.

Anonymous said...

"..crimes that black males commit.." as posted by an anonymous hooded devil. In response I'd like to say that no other race have committed the crimes that whites have committed, period. You name it the white man atrocities are unequaled. Blacks in this society have been demoralized, demonized, scandalized, and humiliated, murdered, dispossessed and given the short end of everything, so you little hooded, no doubt KKKristian freak, have at it, go shove your shive into the black man who deprived you of being the best jerk in jerkdom. Whatever crimes are committed by black people they pale in comparison to the crap white people have done and gotten away with.