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Monday, August 6, 2012

The New Face of Domestic Terrorism

Apparently Wade Page was an equal opportunity hater.  Besides his known neo-Nazi ties, the Fayetteville Observer is out with an interview with one of his former bosses who recalls him angry about having to take orders from a woman.  And then:  "Tew said Page did not come in contact with customers, and he recalled no racial incidents involving him until the day Page was fired. After Page was gone, Tew found an application for joining the Ku Klux Klan on Page's desk. 'I threw that in the trash can,' Tew said. 'He came back looking for it. And I told him I discarded that. He got all chapped again.'"

Amazing new photo (above) has surfaced via the Anti-Defamation League, allegedly of the shooter, front man for white power  band.  My Space photos show a Nazi flag hanging at the band's practice spot. Yet CNN and others still, laughably, asking guests with straight face, "Do you know what his motive? Any clue? What could it be?"

1 comment:

greg said...

NBC Nightly News editors were equally at odds to figure out a motive. They reported that the murderer had recently broken up with his girlfriend -- I kid you not.