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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Romney on His 'Gordon Gekko Moment'

Mitt in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek today is asked about that infamous photo (left) and here's the full exchange (more at The Atlantic):

When you look at it now, does that photo of you and your Bain colleagues posing with money in your pinstripe suits make you laugh or make you cringe?
Oh, that was a moment of humor as we had just done what we thought was impossible. We had raised $37 million from other people and institutions who entrusted us with their funds, and we thought it was a miracle that our group had been able to be so successful in fundraising. And ultimately we were able to yield for them a very attractive return by such investments as Staples (SPLS) , which was in our very first fund.
So it’s a happy memory.
We had a great group of people, each one of whom I think of fondly.

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