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Thursday, September 6, 2012

'NYT' Gets Scoop on Bob Woodward Book

As often happens, a book's embargo gets broken when a reporter walks into a store, or warehouse, and simply buys a copy.  It's happened again in the case of the upcoming Bob Woodward book, about the partisan debate/breakdown in D.C. under Obama, The Price of Politics.

Too much to summarize from the NYT story but here's the link.  "The book highlights problems that are well known in Washington, but Mr. Woodward manages to get both the president, Mr. Boehner and their inner circles to talk about them. Mr. Boehner criticizes the rudderless leadership of the White House staff while President Obama maintains that the speaker never really wanted to cut a deal last summer when the two tried to negotiate a 'grand bargain' to lower spending, raise revenue and increase the nation’s debt limit."
The book makes clear that any hope of bipartisanship after Mr. Obama’s 2008 victory evaporated even before his inauguration. It paints negotiations between the Obama White House and Congressional Republican leaders as talks between camps speaking different languages.
During his transition, Mr. Woodward recounts, Mr. Obama convened a meeting with Republicans to map out an economic stimulus bill. From the start, Representative Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia and now the majority leader, is painted as the biggest obstructionist.

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