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Monday, September 10, 2012

The 'Stench' of Romney

We don't often quote Mr. CW (and I don't mean Country & Western) Mark Halperin but he has a post at Time this morning which is rather shocking in its thoroughly negative view of Romney's prospects, though from a (wait for it) conventional wisdom perspective.  He even refers to a "death stench."  Highlights:
This CW is driven by the post-convention polls showing a bump for President Obama; prominent Politico and New York Times stories citing key Republicans acknowledging that Boston is behind in Ohio and other must-win states; Obama outraising Romney in August; and weak Romney and Paul Ryan answers in interviews, on such topics as health care, the US military, and the budget. The “Fox News Sunday” round table yesterday sounded like a post-mortem explaining a Romney loss.
Romney is an awkward, unlikable candidate. The author of RomneyCare is ill positioned to attack ObamaCare. And Romney’s shifting positions make him an easy mark for an aggressive White House.
Until Romney breaks this cycle, he is in danger of living out the Haley Barbour dictum, in politics bad gets worse. Super PACs might start shifting their money from the presidential race to save the House majority and look to pick up Senate seats. Romney’s own fundraising will take a hit. Stories about Romney pulling up stakes in Michigan and other ostensible battlegrounds will add to the death stench.

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