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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Al Neuharth Dies at 89: How I'll Remember Him

The Gannett newspaper chain titan and founder of USA Today has died and he'll be remembered for mainly that but I have a different one.  When I was editor of Editor & Publisher, and railing against the Iraq war, I periodically asked in print and online: Of the hundreds of major daily newspapers in the U.S., when would just ONE--or a leading mainstream pundit--come out for starting to bring out troops home from Iraq?  And year after year, none did--until Neuharth, who was semi-retired but still writing a weekly column for USA Today did it.  

And was slammed for it.  I interviewed a couple of times about it (and he'd repeat his call more than once).  For much more, see my new book on Iraq, So Wrong for So Long.

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