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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Poitras Profiled

Full piece by Peter Maass from this coming Sunday's NYT Magazine on the well-known filmmaker Laura Poitras and role in the Edward Snowden affair.   Bonus: photo of Glenn Greenwald at home with dogs.
Amid the chaos, Poitras, an intense-looking woman of 49, sat in a spare bedroom or at the table in the living room, working in concentrated silence in front of her multiple computers. Once in a while she would walk over to the porch to talk with Greenwald about the article he was working on, or he would sometimes stop what he was doing to look at the latest version of a new video she was editing about Snowden. They would talk intensely — Greenwald far louder and more rapid-fire than Poitras — and occasionally break out laughing at some shared joke or absurd memory. The Snowden story, they both said, was a battle they were waging together, a fight against powers of surveillance that they both believe are a threat to fundamental American liberties.
See separate, once-encrytped, Q & A interview with Snowden. 

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