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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Beethoven, Noted

Probably my favorite two dozen notes in all of music (along with the opening of "Like a Rolling Stone") are the ones that come at the very beginning of LvB's Piano Concerto No. 4.  As many know, they were also revolutionary in their time--the mere thought of opening a concerto with a solo passage!  See NYT piece today on the great pianist Yefim Bronfman playing all of LvB's concertos in New York this month, and his special feelings about the "magic" of those opening notes of the 4th.  And here's Helene Grimaud playing the entire concerto. 

Somehow, in researching our book and film, I came across this three-minute video at YouTube which collects the very varied renditions of those few notes by several famous pianists, including Schnabel, Arrau, Gould,  and Aimard. 

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