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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

McClatchy Finds Quite a Few Other Holes in "60 Minutes" Report

While nearly everyone has focused on the major element of the CBS bogus Benghazi report, McClatchy veteran Middle East correspondent Nancy Youssef and researchers there today present a long list of other factual problems, or very dubious assertions, in the segment.  Taken together, they further the notion that Lara Logan had an agenda and cooked or accepted weak evidence to make her "case."  The entire piece here.

"Logan’s mea culpa said nothing about other weaknesses in the report that a line-by-line review of the broadcast’s transcript shows," Youssef reports.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/11/13/208446/questions-about-60-minutes-benghazi.html#storylink=cpy

It opens, however, with CBS revealing that a "journalistic" review of their segment is ongoing, which is vague and may mean little.  And a good reminder in the piece:
Logan claimed that “it’s now well established that the Americans were attacked by al Qaida in a well-planned assault.” But al Qaida has never claimed responsibility for the attack, and the FBI, which is leading the U.S. investigation, has never named al Qaida as the sole perpetrator. Rather it is believed a number of groups were part of the assault, including members and supporters of al Qaida and Ansar al Shariah as well as attackers angered by a video made by an American that insulted Prophet Muhammad. The video spurred angry protests outside Cairo hours beforehand.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/11/13/208446/questions-about-60-minutes-benghazi.html#storylink=cpy

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