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Friday, January 17, 2014

Almost Hidden, West Virginia

Unreal, though still off the front pages nationally:  Water company in Wet Virginia sent out tankers for residents, who have had no water or tainted water for a week (with much illness still reported)--and turns out they filled the tankers with their own tainted water!  Below, Lucinda Williams, "I Asked for Water (He Gave Me Gasoline)."
Kanawha County Manager Jennifer Sayre said complaints began coming in late Thursday afternoon about the now-familiar licorice odor in water given out at the Crossings Mall in Elkview and at Riverside High School.
"We were getting conflicting information as to where [those tankers] were filled," Sayre said Thursday evening. "We wanted to clear that up."
According to Sayre, county officials originally were told the tankers were being filled "off site, out of Charleston." After hearing complaints, though, they checked again with West Virginia American Water officials, who told them to take the tankers out of circulation, Sayre said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I adore Lucinda. She is the real deal.