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Monday, January 6, 2014

The Other 'Other Woman'

Remember Jill Kelley from the days of the Petraeus "sex" scandal?  The other general who stalked her, and so on? Today at the top of its site the NYT has a profile which paints her as a strong privacy advocacy after the leaks that painted her in a bad or mocking way.
In a lawsuit that is half legal document and half news release, Ms. Kelley seeks damages and a formal apology from the government for revealing her identity after she reported what she assumed was a crime: threatening emails sent by a woman with whom Gen. David H. Petraeus, then director of the C.I.A., was having an affair. The suit, filed in United States District Court for the District of Columbia, is also an attempt by Ms. Kelley to tell her side of a story that she says was distorted and dismissed, leaving her family as collateral damage.

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