Thanks to David Carr for linking to my Dylan column at his always-entertaining Carpetbagger blog at The New York Times today. But surprised he mentioned that "I'm Not There" has already been nominated for a top indie prize. Speaking of Dylan, got a call from England today from a guy doing a book on Dylan's electric tours of 1965-1966 wondering if I'd seen a show back then. I admitted my first rock and roll show ever was November 20, 1965, at Kleinhans Music Hall in Buffalo -- Dylan and the Hawks. (Yes, he confirmed the date was correct.) I'll spare you the whole story, but I did tell him that electric Dylan getting loudly heckled by audiences is no urban legend -- at that show many shouted during the electric set, "We want Dylan" and "Where's Dylan," and someone in the balcony kept ringing a cow bell....I still have the ticket stub....
On a quite different subject, another recent posting on my ongoing study of suicides among U.S. troops in Iraq has inspired an exchange of several troubling letters with a soldier who says he is serving there and knows colleagues who have attempted, or succeeded at, suicide. More on this later as it develops....Meanwhile, watch and listen to Richard Thompson's great "Baghdad's Gonna Kill Me," here:
Excellent post and cool Youtube from RT.
Aren't you a musician yourself? Feel free to add link to a Web site if you have one....
Maybe that's why the Strawbs PA was knocked out on the Valentine's Day concert at Kleinhans? The show went on and Dave Mason sang really well there. What a show. Nah...
One of the concerns is in the treatment of vets and just for the info, William Shatner and his daughter are also concerned and have requested that needed things be sent to Walter Reed:
Dear friends,
Elizabeth and I were shocked to learn that an alarming number of wounded U.S. soldiers are not necessarily receiving adequate treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, one of the country’s most prestigious hospitals for our armed forces. Many of these brave people have been severely injured and their lives forever changed. It’s horrible to contemplate that they are not getting the class-A care that they more... truly need and deserve.
Instead of waiting for and hoping that the government will remedy the situation, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to do what we can now. The hospital needs several items for their patients—and we sincerely hope that you will join us in giving back to the men and women who have given so much for our country. Some of the things they need include:
Electric Razors
Portable DVD Players
Men’s & Women’s Summer Clothing (dress shorts & shirts)
Hair Trimmers
Sports Bras
Ankle Socks
Casual Polo-type Shirts
Gift Cards:
Grocery cards
Gas cards
Pre-paid Visa gift certificates
You can send your items to:
Maurice McDaniel
Soldier Family Assistance Center
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue
Room 3G04
Washington, DC 20307
202-356-1012 x40706
Thank you for all your help and generosity. This is a great way to tell these brave people how grateful and thankful we are for them.
Over at ShatnerVision
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Едут в машоине в Москву лица кавказской национальности. Нак КПП их
осанавливает мент:
- Вот мужики, закон вышел, что лицам кавказскрй национальносит
необходимо сдать ведро спермы.. Вот вам ведерко,вот лесочек,
идите и дрочите...
Ну, те пошли... через 20 минут приносят ведерко - а там всек на дне.
- Ну нет, репбята... вот, смотрит,е бумага с печатью, закон,
понимаете, тапкой... идите, нродоллжайте...
И те пошли снова. Чекрез двак часа приносят полведра, уже на коленях
стоят, просят пощадить. Но мент непреклонен: надо полное ведрро.
Уже ночью припозают едва живые с полным ведром.
- Вот это другое дело. Езжайте с Богом...
Уензжают. Мент берет ведерко, подходит к канаве (а там уже полно
сппермы), выливает, наевая: "Любимый город может спать споконйо".
Я 6 часов блуждала по сети, пока не вышела на авш форум! Думаю, я десь осатнрусь надолго!
прошу проения за опечатки.... очнеь мсаленьккая клавиатура у DPA!
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