Mark Halperin's The Page blog at TIME has this late-breaking scoop, apparently the brainstorm of a former Fred Thompson aide who resents Mike Huckabee's surge: "Citing Chuck Norris’s strong support for a candidate who does not believe in evolution and who has called for the isolation of AIDS patients, BoycottChuckNorris.com launched today to organize a boycott of products that Chuck Norris endorses or those who advertise on the television show in which he starred, Walker, Texas Ranger. 'While Chuck Norris has the freedom to associate with whatever out-of-the-mainstream views he would like, I am calling on those who don’t agree with him to vote with their dollars and boycott these products,' said Darrel Ng, the founder of the Boycott Chuck Norris effort. 'Undoubtedly, these companies know about Chuck Norris’s views and if they choose to continue their association with him, I, and I hope others who don’t agree with his views, will shop elsewhere.”
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