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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Porn Star 'Palin' Backs Obama

We hadn't heard a word about Lisa Ann, the porn star who'll be doing her Sarah Palin lookalike number at a strip club in Tampa during the GOP convention since news broke a couple of weeks ago--but that silence is broken today, with (yes) a major GQ interview.   She expects a big turnout of delegates but announces, "I'm for Obama."  So I guess this balances fellow porn star Jenna Jameson backing Romney last week.  Highlights:

-- "I think it's kind of funny that Sarah Palin herself is not going. I feel like I'm her rep at this point. Like, 'Hey, don't worry, I'm your double. Just stay at home and relax with your family. I'll take care of this convention thing.'"

-- "I go out to the Eminem song--that I'm in his video as Sarah Palin."

-- "I've tried to figure out what Sarah Palin would listen to. So, I use songs like Jay-Z's 'Big Pimpin.' I have Soulja Boi's 'Turn My Swag On.'  Just really taking things silly. And I give away some Palin products. I have Palin T-shirts now. I give out DVDs and posters of Palin, and I'll put my suit back on after the show because a lot of the guys want pictures with me in the suit so they can put it on their Facebook or whatever they choose."

-- "It blows my mind at how many men across the country voted just because she was so hot. I'm like, 'Oh, that is so crazy.'"

1 comment:

Anthony Kennerson said...

It would not be a bad idea to list her name, guys. She's Lisa Ann.