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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Randy Newman Dreaming of a White President

The often satirical songwriter--who can forget "Short People" and "Let's Drop the Big One Now"?--is a big Obama backer, and has now produced a new single: "I'm Dreaming of a White President." More here and song below.  "He won't be the brightest, perhaps/ But he'll be the whitest/ And I'll vote for that."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Randy, Mr Newman,
I have loved your wonderful work for years. I still do, in fact. You've done it again - but you don't need me to tell you that. Would that I could be your peer. But then who could match you.
Thank you for weighing in in this ridiculous race. If Mark Twain was right, I hope to meet you at last in that warm afterlife.
Be well.
With warm wishes,
Davy "the fattening" Sturtevant