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Sunday, December 16, 2012

But They're Not Racists

So what happens when TV network pre-empts part of the first quarter of the Sunday Night Football Game (on a day when a dozen or more games have already been played)?  Well,  some pro football fans gets darn angry, even though the reason was to cover  the memorial for 20 dead kids and 6 brave school employees in CT.  And who do they take their wrath out on?  Obama, of course, and in racist terms.  Deadspin has a collection of just some of N-word  this and N-word that.  "What the fuck is this nigger doing on my screen?!?!?!? I want football!!!"  And so on.


Baffled said...

uhm...what the hell are you talking about?? So...you have made sweeping assumptions about a large swath of people....and I can't really tell what the criteria are for this assumption...Football fans are generally redneck racists?? And, of course, such people MUST be gun owners...and...they hate the president because he is black?? Did I miss something here?

David said...

My dad was a combat veteran of WWII and Korea and a career U.S. Army officer.

His most frequent observation: "Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people."