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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Today's Tragic Tale from Gun Nutty USA

Yesterday it was a boy, 4, shooting and killing a deputy sheriff's wife in Tennesee.  Today?  Boy, 4, shoots and kills neighbor kid, age 6, while "playing" outside, in Tom's River, New Jersey, a sort of fancy town.    Kid just went in and got dad's .22 rifle, no problem.  Parents were even home, it seems.  That's the dead boy, Brandon Holt, at left.  Police seized other guns from house and not  sure the rifle was legal.


Anonymous said...

re: The nra thinking

A good man with a gun.......


Guns don't kill people......

Yadda....Yadda.....and meanwhile the nra gun nuts serve out platitudes, soundbites and bumper stickers....another innocent dies at the hands of an innocent.

Anonymous said...

re: The nra thinking

A good man with a gun.......


Guns don't kill people......

Yadda....Yadda.....and meanwhile the nra gun nuts serve out platitudes, soundbites and bumper stickers....another innocent dies at the hands of an innocent.

Anonymous said...

re: The nra thinking

A good man with a gun.......


Guns don't kill people......

Yadda....Yadda.....and meanwhile the nra gun nuts serve out platitudes, soundbites and bumper stickers....another innocent dies at the hands of an innocent.