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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ken Burns on Vietnam

Maybe this is widely known but news to me.  From a Facebook post by my friend Joe Galloway, ex-Knight Ridder guy, writer for me at E&P on Iraq, and co-author of "We Were Soldiers Once...and Young."
Just rolled into the driveway tonight after a week in New Hampshire screening the roughs of all ten two-hour episodes of Ken Burns' forthcoming documentary history of the Vietnam War which will be broadcast in 2017 by PBS. Even in rough cut form it is simply superb. It raises the art of story telling by several notches. Authentic voices of scores of Americans, South Vietnamese and North Vietnamese each tell a bit of their story, interwoven with still photos, film, network broadcasts.....and the music of those days adding so much to the experience. Definitely a box and a half of Kleenex to get through it all. I broke down a dozen or more times. I wish the series were being broadcast next month because I believe our Country really needs so chilling a reminder of the horror and cost of so huge a mistake at this point in our history.

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