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Friday, January 4, 2008

Army officer who blogged for newspaper killed in Iraq

We have the latest tragedy up at E&P. He left behind a blog post to be published in the event of his death. We also have a separate story on the latest "noncombat" death -- a soldier electrocuted in the shower. Parents (who have two other kids in Iraq) devastated.


Anonymous said...

Every time we lose one of our soldiers, we are all diminished. The "bell tolls" for all of us.

It is especially sad to lose an articulate voice. Go with God, Andrew.

Anonymous said...

Andrew's passing was posted at this blog 4 Jan 08 8:53 PM, with the reference to a mission of training Iraqi Army personnel. Less than 14 hours later comes the next posting here, Iraqi soldier kills two GIs. Someone might find a message in this sort of synchronicity.
Aloha ~~~ Ozzie Maland ~~~ San Diego

Anonymous said...

i'm gonna make my own blog