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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Tuesday preview

Mark Halperin over at Time's "The Page" lists dozens of the latest polls state-by-state. Obama moving up or even ahead (via Zogby and Rasmussen) in California -- that's the key one -- and some other places but Hillary maintains lead in most places. McCain is romping -- he even gets the cover of Newsweek tomorrow -- tho Romney has a shot in California, which would keep him in the race.

If you are like me, it will be a very late night Tuesday. But California primaries always remind me of the sad night in 1968 when I stayed up very late and was still watching TV in the early hours when the RFK assassination happened practically before my eyes. It was so late I didn't even go upstairs and wake my parents....The latest poll results:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was 10 at the time, and I remember that night so well. I stayed up late, but not that late, and when I got up the next morning, my Mom told me what happened. A terribly sad memory.