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Monday, October 22, 2012

PB and...P?

Breaking at NYT:  forget PB and J, try peanut butter and pickles.  So sez esteemed book reviewer Dwight Garner (who is usually on the money).   And we have to assume Garner's not even pregnant. Myself, I might prefer PB and B--that would be, banana.  Or PB & N (nutella).  I draw the draw at Elvis adding bacon.   But the pickle add apparently goes back to the Great Depression, which probably deepened it.  

Anyway, here's Dwight:  "I’ve been happily eating these distinctive little sandwiches for years. The vinegary snap of chilled pickle cuts, like a dash of irony, against the stoic unctuousness of peanut butter. The sandwich is a thrifty and unacknowledged American classic. My father passed them down to me."

1 comment:

Laurence Glavin said...

Off topic, but to let you know that Buzzfeed for today (Monday, 10/22) has a story about folks at a bus station joining a trained classical pianist as he plays the Beethoven "Mondlicht" Sonata. Search Buzzfeed and the headline "Commuters Play Beethoven in Bus Station Sonata.