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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Gun Deaths Since Sandy Hook

The Twitter feed @GunDeaths has received wide attention lately for chronicling killings by firearms since the Newtown massacre (more than 145 listed so far).  Now Slate is partnering to produce interactive features.  Here's their first effort.   They also ask for volunteers to expand the count (as I've done this weeks on focusing on shooting of kids):
Of course, this data is incomplete. Not all reports get caught by @GunDeaths’ news alerts or his followers. Suicides, which are estimated to make up as much as 60 percent of gun deaths, typically go unreported. Nevertheless, we at Slate want to assemble this data as best we can.
And the more people who are paying attention, the better the data will be. You can help us draw a more complete picture of gun violence in America. If you know about a gun death in your community that isn’t represented here, please tweet @GunDeaths with a citation, and he’ll add it to his feed.
h/t @bbedway

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