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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday Morning in the Church of Beethoven

In my weekly feature,  the "funeral march" movement from the Piano Sonata No. 12.

1 comment:

Laurence Glavin said...

Today, December 16th, is a day like no others; it's Beethoven's Birthday (unless it isnt; it was the practice then in northern Europe at least to get the newborn infant to a church for baptism as soon as possible, so little Ludwig might have emerged from the birth canal only to be hurriedly taken to the baptismal font on thr 17th). A simple glance at a globe of the Earth would lead one to believe that the principal cities of Europe are face-to-face with the principal cities of the US. Not quite. Paris is actually north of Boston, and Bonn, Germany lying just a bit north of 50 degrees of latitude is as far north as Montreal, Canada. A baby born in Bonn had his or her work cut out for him or her to make it through the first few months of life. However many babies born in Montreal in mid-December 1770 lived to tell about it, and to the great relief of everybody on Earth, baby Ludwig also made it through the first year and many years thereafter.