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Saturday, April 20, 2013

That 'Terror Training' Trip to Russia

UPDATE  NYT covers this issue today, and the FBI interviewing family members in 2011.  Includes father's claim agents told Tamerlan then they were doing this "so that no one sets off bombs on the streets of Boston, so that our children could peacefully go to school."  In any case, his trip to Russia the following year apparently did not set off any bells. 

Earlier:  I noted this last night but it bears repeating, as the talking heads and writers (even David Remnick) continue to sugggest, even demand, that Tamerlan's trip to Russia quite possibly was for terror "training."     Important interview with father of suspects yesterday by NYT may largely lay to rest this all-day "expert" and media meme.  Dad says the older son went there to get a new passport and there was long delay.  Also he was rarely out of his sight and did not travel.  Saw nothing but relatives.  Some wondered if he  "came here to sleep."

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