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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hints on Shooter's Actions

NBC reporting that Adam Lanza had an "altercation" of some kind with 4 top staffers at the school, and when he returned with his three weapons he killed three of them--the other one was not in that day, and has been interviewed.  Also, two days before that, Lanza had tried to purchase a gun at a Danbury store but the state has a waiting period so he could.

Which raises this issue: Did he then kill his mother mainly to get access to all of her guns?  Obviously, he had already got his hands on one of them--or had one of his own--since he shot her using one. 

Another update:  It was reported all day yesterday that the shooter used two handguns in the school, leaving a semi-automatic rifle in his car.  Now they say he used a rifle inside the school, as well. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What possible reason is there for his mother having guns in the first place. A schoolteacher in one of the safest towns in America and she has a Glock and a Sig Sauer. madness