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Monday, February 4, 2008

You talkin' Obama to me?

Robert DeNiro, no doubt a longtime liberal but not an activist, showed up unexpectedly at the sparsely-attended Obama rally in the Jersey Meadowlands today (Giants fans too hung over to show up?) According to press reports, he went so far as to say he’d never made a big political speech before. Appealing to young voters, he proclaimed, “You wanted to vote -- you just didn’t have anyone to vote for. Well you know what? I felt the same way. Until now.” Apparently he also quipped that Obama "wasn't experienced enough -- to authorize the invasion of Iraq."

Meanwhile, the press is obsessed again with another Hillary "crying" incident, this time during a return to Yale. I'm sure that much will be made of it happening, as it did in New Hampshire, just before a big vote and just as things seemed to be trending away from her. Funny that no one said anything like that when Romney teared up on consecutive days back in December....

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