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Thursday, September 13, 2012

'Romney Girl' Ordered to Shut Up!

Friday Update 5 p.m. :  The producers, as they warned, have just now pulled the video.  If you click on the original below you will see that is now "private" and does not show up in YouTube searches.  I will probably get an email from Ms. Payne soon.

Thursday:  The heavyweight Universal Media Group has ordered the producers of the popular "Romney Girl" video to "cease and desist" and shut down the video by tomorrow or face the consequences.  At issue, of course, is the use of song "Barbie Girl."

Erica Payne, who produced the video as head of the Agenda Project Action Fund, argues in an email to me that it's covered by the usual  "fair use." But she adds:  "We are speaking to counsel about this and hope to continue sharing Ms. Bernasconi's wonderful taxless life with her admirers across the world. However, there is a strong possibility that our lawyers will advise us that despite our legal right to use the song, we should not risk being attacked by a major multi-national corporation with resources that far exceed our own."   If you have somehow missed, here's the video, while it lasts:

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