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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Romney on 'MTP' Hails....Clinton? Will Keep Parts of Obamacare?

NBC has released portions of Romney's "Meet the Press" interview airing tomorrow--and he praises Bill Clinton's speech at the DNC to the skies.  He must think this is a way to suggest Obama doesn't measure up.  But most viewers recall how well Clinton skewered Romney, his running mate and the GOP.   Romney actually says Clinton "elevated" conventon.  So praising Clinton...a good tactic?  Seems more like...a gaffe?  And here's Romney hitting Obama--and GOP--on agreeing on possible defense cuts.  Below that one of his quotes on Clinton.

UPDATE More details and quotes now released.  Mitt says he would keeps parts of Obamacare, such as some coverage of pre-existing conditions.  Also claimed the rich would pay more taxes because he'd close some loopholes.  Right. And yes, he did at least part of the interview with Ann next to him. More details here:  He won't cut defense at all, and will balance budget by end of his SECOND term.

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