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Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Penny (Or So) for My Thoughts

Turn up the volumes!  And help keep this blog alive and, yes, ad-free.  I'll never ask for a donation, but here are most of my books, covers at right and listed below, for your perusing, ordering and reading pleasure.  Simply click on the covers or links for full details.  Nearly all of the books are published in both print and e-book editions.  The e-books, priced at $3.99 tops, are available for all Kindles, phones, iPads, Amazon Cloud,  PCs, more.  Thanks for your interest.

Here are my blog posts related to most of the books, often including video or key links:

So Wrong for So Long: How the Press, the Pundits--and the President--Failed on Iraq.
Atomic Cover-up
Tricks, Lies, and Videotape (Obama-Romney)
The Campaign of the Century
The Age of WikiLeaks
Tricky Dick and the Pink Lady
Journeys With Beethoven
Truth and Consequences (Bradley Manning)
Dead Reckoning (against capital punishment)
40 Days That Shook the World (the Occupy movement)

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