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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Suspect Arrested in Sending 'Ricin' Letters to Obama, Senator

UPDATE #3  "Elvis" now claims he is innocent.  See how letters traced to him--idiot allegedly used exact same language in earlier letters and signed name.  Also, text of crazy letter released.  All here Missing pieces: body parts?

UPDATE #2: The story gets wilder.  Via Jeff Zeleny of ABC:  "Senator Wicker tells reporters he had met the Elvis impersonator - and suspect - before. He hired him for a party once."

UPDATE #1:  Daily paper in Mississippi, the Clarion-Ledger, claims Curtis is local Elvis (and other celebrity) impersonator in Tupelo, Presley's home town.  (Also, letters were mailed from Memphis, site of Graceland.Here's one of his online sites.  Been arrested four times at least and other odd behavior.  Business Insider with this wild detail.  Not confirmed but this guy did sign this screed same way as guy who sent "ricin" letters.

The headlines write themselves: "Jailhouse Rock." "Return to Sender."  "Suspicious Minds."  Thanks to those also mentioning "I feel my temperature ricin...."  And "hunka hunka burnin' hate."  And so on.  See his video below.

Earlier:  With so much going on today, you may miss this breaking story.  Guy arrested from Mississippi.  Genius signed his initials.

"The arrest, two days after the letters were intercepted in mail-sorting facilities for the White House and the Capitol, was based on information collected 'very early on' about who had sent the letters, said one of the officials. The letters contained a postmark from Memphis but no return address, Senate officials said.

"Tupelo is the hometown of Senator Roger Wicker, the Republican senator to whom one of the letters was addressed. The letters were signed: 'I am KC, and I approve this message.'”

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